Monday 12 November 2018

Masters Olympia 2012 - Legends Seminar

A laundry list of Hall of Famers made the trip to Miami, Florida this weekend for the 2012 IFBB Masters Olympia Legends Seminar.  

Friday 10 March 2017

Bet You Didnt Know About These 12 Honey and Cinnamon Remedys

The combination of honey and cinnamon has been used for centuries in both traditional Chinese and Ayurveda, a system of healing founded 5000 years ago in India. The two ingredients with unique healing abilities have a long history as a home remedy. 

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind and honey's popularity has continued throughout history. Cinnamon's essential oils and honey's enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide qualify the two "anti-microbial" foods with the ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi. Both are used not just as a beverage flavoring and medicine, but also as an embalming agent and are used as alternatives to traditional food preservatives due to their effective antimicrobial properties.

Also, it is worth mentioning that in Ayurvedic medicine, honey is known as 'Yogavahi', which means "the carrier of the healing values of the herbs to the cells and tissues". It is believed that when combined with another substance (eg a herb or spice) in a formulation, the special quality of honey enhances the medicinal qualities of that formulation and helps them reach the deeper tissues in the body more effectively. And honey and cinnamon, which is one of the best-known mixtures, has been reported to be a natural cure for many diseases and a formula for many health benefits:

1) HEART DISEASES: Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread instead of using jam or butter and eat it regularly for breakfast. It is believed that in the long run, this can help prevent blockages in blood vessels, heart attacks and hypercholesterolemia.

2) ARTHRITIS: Apply a paste made of the two ingredients on the affected part of the body and massage slowly. Drinking tea with honey and cinnamon daily can also help relieve pain and stiffness in the joints.

3) HAIR LOSS: Apply a paste of hot olive oil,a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath, leave it for 15 min and wash.

4) BLADDER INFECTIONS: Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and half a teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink. This can help destroy the bacteria in the urinary system.

5) TOOTHACHE: Apply a paste of cinnamon powder and honey and on the aching tooth.

6) CHOLESTEROL: Add honey to cinnamon powder mixed in boiled water or green tea and drink.

7) COLDS: Make a glass of lukewarm honey water mixed with a pinch of cinnamon powder to help boost your immune system during the cold season. It is also helpful in clearing the sinuses.

8) INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on a spoonful of honey taken before food relieves acidity and prevents indigestion.

9) LONGEVITY: Regularly take tea made with honey and a little cinnamon powder to strengthen your immune system and protect your body from viral and bacterial attacks.

10) PIMPLES: Mix honey with cinnamon powder and apply paste on the pimplesbefore sleeping and wash away the next morning.

11) OBESITY: To reduce weight, daily drink a mixture of a teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder boiled in water with an empty stomach in the morning about half an hour before breakfast. Step-by-step instructions in: Cinnamon and Honey Recipe.
Cinnamon has an insulin boosting property (water soluble compounds called polyphenol type A polymers) which have the ability to boost insulin activity about 20 fold and can benefit people who have high sugar levels (obese people, pre-diabetics and diabetics). Also, read the honey hibernation diet theory to find out how honey contributes to the metabolizing of undesirable cholesterol and fatty acid, provides a fuelling mechanism for the body, keep blood sugar levels balanced, and let our recovery hormones get on with burning body fat stores.

12) BAD BREATH: Gargle with honey and cinnamon powder mixed in warm water so that breath stays fresh throughout the day. Honey plus cinnamon together besides being a amazing potential cure for so many illnesses, their total fragrant, sweet and warm taste is also a perfect match for the palate. The combination adds a magic effect to the taste of cakes, breads, biscuits and rolls and is known to make many winning recipes in the world of delicious food, such as the famous, easy-to-make, kids' favourite classic - honey and cinnamon butter toast!

Boiling These 2 Ingredients Will Assist in Losing Body Fat.

There are millions of people who care about their body weight, especially women who are dreaming of losing weight quickly and effortlessly. But this is sometimes very difficult.

However, there are ingredients that nature gave us that accelerate weight loss and help you burn more calories without having to make big sacrifices.
Have you tried honey and cinnamon for weight loss yet? While it’s no magic bullet for weight loss, it can be used in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise to accelerate the rate of weight loss and help you get past food cravings more quickly.


2 tablespoons of honey.
1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
250 ml of water.

To prepare this recipe you have to mix with cinnamon boiling water, then remove the container from heat and let cool.
To preserve the properties of honey that will help you lose weight, you have to add it when the drink is cold, never when the water is boiling.

How to consume this drink?
You have to drink half of it just before going to sleep, and the other half in the morning when you wake up, on an empty stomach.
In just seven days you will realize that you have lost weight faster than before. The results will surely surprise and encourage you to continue losing more weight.

Honey alone has been shown to contain antioxidants and enzymes that have various healthy effects on the body. Findings on cinnamon are equally as promising, with research suggesting that it can do everything from boosting your metabolism to lowering your cholesterol. On their own these two items should play a part in your regular diet.
Combining the two creates a sort of Dynamic Duo and when taken at the start and end of your day has been peer proven to assist you in your weight loss goals.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Decalcify the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is one of the most mysterious glands of the human body, because it has many mystical properties. Modern scientists define the pineal gland as a pine cone shaped gland located at the middle of the brain. It is responsible for producing melatonin, helping regulate sleep patterns and influencing sexual development. Modern scientists’ definition of the pineal gland is accurate, but they are missing some of the most important features of this tiny organ.

Besides regulating sleep patterns and sexual development, the pineal gland acts like an inner portal that connects us to other dimensions, such as the dream and spiritual planes. Some researchers believe that it has the ability to connect us to other dimensions because of its mystical properties.

Is the pineal gland the third eye?
When we look at the external of the pineal gland, it looks like a pine cone. However, if we cut it open and look at its internal features, it looks somewhat similar to an eye. The interior walls of the pineal gland are made of rods and cones that are similar to those in the retina in our eyes. These features of the pineal gland may be the reasons why ancient civilizations and spiritual teachers always associated the pineal gland with the third eye, mind’s eye or inner eye.

Another important feature of the pineal gland is that it may produce dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic chemical compound that can create hallucinatory effects similar to the effects of LSD. DMT and LSD should not be taken for long periods of time or in high doses, because they may cause damaging effects on the brain. The effects will vary depending on which type you are using.

Unlike our regular eyes, the pineal gland or third eye has the ability to see both physically and intuitively. The metaphysical properties of the third eye are most noticeable when we are asleep. Have you ever had an experience when you were about to fall asleep and started seeing your surrounding with a 360-degree view? This is your third eye being activated by your pineal gland. It is the all-seeing eye. This is why when you close your eyes and imagine hard enough, you can sometime see what you are imagining in your mind’s eye.

Benefits of a healthy Pineal gland
The pineal gland plays an important role in our physical health, because it regulates our sleep patterns and sexual development and protects our body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Besides being beneficial for our physical health, this mysterious organ is also important for our spiritual health since it is the gland that anchors our soul to our body. This allows our soul and body to bond and communicate. Without this bond, the body will die unless the body has no soul to begin with.

When we are more connected to our soul, our higher senses are more active, allowing us to feel more connected to the Universe and Creation. Our higher senses also make it harder for people to manipulate us. For these reasons, finding truth and inner peace become easier.

How to decalcify the pineal gland

Stop ingesting fluoride
One of the substances that does a great job calcifying the pineal gland is fluoride (sodium fluoride). Fluoride is very harmful to the pineal gland, because it disrupts the pineal gland’s natural functions by hardening its interior walls. Fluoride is also very toxic to the brain and other organs of the body.

The fluoride used for treating drinking water is not the natural calcium fluoride found in nature; rather, it is the synthetic industrial version, which is known as sodium fluoride. The natural version of fluoride (calcium fluoride) is not that harmful to us. It is usually found in the soil and spring water in very small quantities. The synthetic version of fluoride (sodium fluoride) is a hazardous waste of the phosphate fertilizer industry.

The name fluoride is a cover up term for many of the dangerous chemicals that make up fluoride, including arsenic, lead, aluminum, cadmium, fluorosilicic acid and even radioactive materials. If you live in the U.S., fluoride is commonly found in drinking water, fluoridated toothpaste and conventional produce.

To effectively remove fluoride from drinking water, you will need to use a water purification system that has a special filter called activated alumina (AAL). A water purification system worth checking out is made by Berkey. For more information on this water purifier, read my informative review of the Travel Berkey water filter system. Berkey water purification systems are portable and their black filters can be reused, making them great for emergency situations and camping. Reverse osmosis water filter systems are also great at removing fluoride. As for toothpaste, only use fluoride-free toothpaste.

Take an iodine supplement
Studies have shown that iodine supplement may help the body remove fluoride. An iodine supplement you may want to look into is NutrioDine. It is made of atomic iodine, a form of iodine that the body can easily utilize without the harmful effects of toxic buildups. I usually do not recommend taking potassium iodide because it can cause toxic buildups, especially if it is taken for long periods of time. For food, I recommend eating organic kelp because it is high in natural iodine.

Eat organic food
Most foods that are not organic usually contain harmful synthetic chemicals and heavy metals. Many of these toxins are toxic to the third eye. To reduce the level of these toxins in your body, you will need to eat organic plant-based food. Organic foods are produce with strict guidelines; therefore, they are usually free of harmful synthetic chemicals and genetically modified ingredients.

The levels of nutrients in organic foods are usually higher than conventional foods. Many of these nutrients are essential for purging toxins from your body. Magnesium and calcium are two important nutrients for helping your body eliminate toxins, especially fluoride. To learn more about these two nutrients, read my earlier article.

Consume natural butter oil and cod liver oil
High-vitamin butter oil and cod liver oil are believed to be very beneficial for the pineal gland, because they help decalcify calcium deposits. One of the best natural butter oils and cod liver oils is Green Pasture’s Blue Ice Royal Butter and Cod Liver Oil.

  • Switch to a raw-food diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts and soy products. Meat should be avoided. It is said that animal DNA interacts with the pineal gland and disrupts its ability to reach its full potential.
  • Drink distilled water and avoid fluoride products. Switch to a fluoride-free toothpaste. Fluoride also can be found in tap water, which is why it is important to drink distilled water only or to distill your own. Fluoride is thought to calcify the pineal gland.
  • Purify the air in your home by purchasing an ozone machine or an air purifier. Breathing will become much easier when your air is clean, and breathing is important to activate the pineal gland.
  • Cover your windows with curtains or blinds.
  • Remove all electronics from your room, including computers, telephones and TVs, or anything that will emit light or distract you from your meditation. The pineal gland needs pure darkness to emit melatonin, which produces serotonin. These chemicals are crucial to psychic awareness.