When a person takes the amino acids, as aminos or as protein, they are on their way first traveling to the liver. Here they are broken down and used as fuel if the body needs them for energy rather than for building tissues and rebuilding muscle. The muscles can use bcaa s, opposed to other aminos that use them for fuel. They offer two different properties. The first, during workouts, the muscles use the aminos for fuel; during rest, after workouts, for example, they are used for muscle building. The supplements make pre and post-workout the critical time for consuming them. It is best to use the supplement immediately before a training session. This allows the muscle to use it as a direct source of energy. This will also increase a persons energy level.
A research conducted by the University of Texas Medical Branch learned that Leucine is the main key amino acid of the three in the supplement in regards to protein and synthesis is concerned. Leucine tends to instigate the process of muscle protein synthesis. It also helps to boost insulin levels. The supplement also enhances muscle growth by helping the growth of hormones. Italian researchers discovered that athletes taking the supplement for one month offered higher levels of growth hormone after exercise. GHBP is most important since it works as the carrier for GH in the blood. It takes it to the muscles in order for it to successfully complete its job of instigating muscle growth. Studies have also indicated that taking the supplement can prevent muscle loss at high altitudes while also offering a prolonged endurance performance in severe heat. Further, one study has determined that the supplement may improve exercise induced declines in different aspects of mental functioning.
The supplement also has positive effects on some medical conditions such as Lou Gehrig's disease. In one double-blind trial the supplement helped participants with the disease to maintain muscle strength. In a group of participants suffering from diseases of the nervous system (spinocerebellar degeneration) improved when given the supplement. The supplement has also proven beneficial in another medical condition. Another study determined that the supplement can benefit people with a condition called hepatic encephalopathy. This condition causes an excess level of some amino acids. Taking the supplement proved to help these patients to improve with their condition. People suffering from chronic kidney failure have also benefited from the supplement. People receiving the supplement have improved breathing and sleep quality.